Saturday, February 22, 2020

Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resource - Essay Example Social needs are the next level of need in the hierarchy. After the satisfaction of the physiological needs and the safety needs the next need is the need for meaningful relationships and to be accepted in the society. An organization’s internal work environment decides the importance of this need. When an organization has a participatory leadership style, the workers start to feel part of the organization and this helps to increase their motivation by satisfying their social needs. An organization can be used this need to increase the motivation of its workers. The management can form teams/ clubs within the organization to recognize good performers. Achievements on the job can be rewarded to increase the commitment of the employees towards their jobs. Esteem needs which follow the social needs are concerned with self-respect, feeling of personal worth, feeling of being unique and recognizable. This need can be used positively by recognition and appreciation of the workers. T he ultimate need in the hierarchy is the self-actualization needs which helps to achieve one’s full potential. This is related to the development of intrinsic capabilities which lead people to seek situations that can utilize their potential. These set of needs can be satisfied by creating opportunities for the workers who can steer ahead themselves. The levels of hierarchy in an organization should be minimized and the personnel can be empowered to plan and execute their tasks which can motivate them to achieve their full potential.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Social Psychology - Prejudice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Psychology - Prejudice - Essay Example Finally, this paper shall also suggest ways in order to remedy this issue or situation. Social psychologists have attempted to explain prejudice by using various theories. One of the main theories they have used is the theory of innate tendency. This theory basically explains that people are borne with the innate quality of gravitating or liking people who are like them and of disliking or hating other people who are not like him (Sharma & Sharma, 1997). Through the theory of self-love, social psychologists explain how people tend to love themselves. Therefore people are often disgusted by other people who are different from them (Sharma & Sharma, 1997). Social psychologists also point out that the ethnocentric theory is all about the belief that one’s group is moral, right, and rational – and that other cultures are inferior (Sociology Index, 2009). In judging other cultures or beliefs, these individuals tend to base their judgments on their standards – without attempting to understand the perspectives of their members. In yet another theory, the psycho-analytic theory â€Å"considers human experience to be root cause of prejudice† (Sharma & Sharma, 1997. The experiences which reflect favorable outcomes affect the person’s behavior in relation to similar future experiences. Unfavorable experiences also manifest and affect the overall behavior of a person in relation to similar future experiences (Sharma & Sharma, 1997). Prejudices in interracial experiences in Singapore affect the occurrence and prevalence of interracial marriages. This interracial prejudice has affected them to a point where marriages between ethnic lines has not happened often (Country Data, 1989). From 1954 to 1984, rates of marriages between ethnic divides occurred at 5 to 6 percent of all marriages (Country Data, 1989). In considering the innate tendency theory, the