Thursday, December 26, 2019

Criminal Justice Careers - 1751 Words

Criminal Justice Careers Marielu Villa Westwood College Abstract This paper reflects about criminal justice careers that will help me get knowledge and get a better idea about the career that I choose. Components of criminal justice: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. A brief description about the career, the requirements, and the hiring criteria the career has. Tell why the position interest me, how does it relate to the career path that I want, and finally what I’m looking for in gaining from the career. Keywords: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), Parole Agent, and a Court Clerk. Law enforcement: CSI One component of the Criminal Justice career is law enforcement. There are many different kinds of jobs in law†¦show more content†¦The reason why is because that helps me go back and analyze what happened. I also like investigating: I like to think beyond the things that actually happened. This will really help me in becoming a crime scene investigator because you have to record everything you see and you have to collect evide nce. You have to think beyond what you see because you have to try to find the person that did it. The entry level salary range of $30,000- $40,000 depending on the agency. To be honest I don’t really look at it for the money, this is something that I want to do, it what I like. (Goodman, Grimming, 2007) Corrections: Parole Agent Another component of the Criminal Justice system is corrections. One of the jobs that the correction has is a parole agent. The goal for a parole agent is to protect the public. The responsibility for a parole agent is to assist ex- offenders so that they can adjust to life in a save and free community. They are also responsible to prevent future criminal acts. They help the people become a better person so that they can have a productive and normal live. Parole agents supervise the offenders who had been released from prison. (Careers in criminal, 2006) What the parole agent has to do is that they need to investigate the offender. For example the parole agent investigates the offender’s background so that they can gather information and write reports for the parole board hearings. Parole agentsShow MoreRelatedA Career in Criminal Justice1213 Words   |  5 PagesEducational programs in criminal justice are placed within two core groups. One core group being a degree-granting programs that are focused on psychology, sociology, and law in courses. The other group focused on programs and courses for the law enforcement specialist, which is often taught at professional schools or adult education placements. However, as time went by the two-year college appeared as the proper way for combining the ideas. 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People looking forward to a career in criminal justice should be able to write up investigation reports, reports to be used in trials, and documents relating to various types of criminal offenders. For a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice 120 credits including some general electiveRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1597 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of the criminal justice system is explained by three definitions: Control crime, Prevent crime, and provide and maintain justice. This sense of criminal justice has been the same since pre-civilized communities, where the elders of a tribe enforced the laws of the village. The criminal justice system has changed drastically from the times of kinship systems to today’s system of laws. As time has passed criminal justice has change in many ways, for example: the way they dress, arrest,

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Homosexuality Is Condemned And Abominations Essay

The individuals who are discriminating against homosexuals and doing these atrocious acts are heterosexual individuals, who are from a religion that is against homosexuality. The second biggest offenders are individuals who are raised in a norm where it is not accepted. It has been said, ‘‘hate the sin and love the sinner, homosexuality is a ticket to Hell. You could not be gay and go to church. You cannot be a Christian. You cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.† (Levy 2014). In the bible Sodom Gomorrah Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, and Leviticus 20:13 talks about how homosexuality are condemned and abominations. There are many more other versus in the bible that speak about homosexuality. Individuals who are growing up listening and reading the bible will follow the bibles way. If the bible talks about how homosexuality are condemned and abominations, they are going to think and feel the same way as well. It becomes a manifestation of how their personality will be in the future. When it becomes part of their personality, whenever they see or hear homosexual acts they become enraged. For others who are from different religions that say nothing about homosexuals, throughout their life course they are influenced by the vast majority who view homosexuality is wrong as a cultural norm. When they reach adulthood or a critical age all they re going to remember is homosexuality is wrong and the violence that is tied to it. It creates a super ego conscience where they are notShow MoreRelatedIs Homosexuality And The Three Religions Are Hinduism, Judaism, And Christianity759 Words   |  4 Pagesissue that I chose was homosexuality and the three religions are Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity. I chose to write about homosexuality due to the fact that it is one of the most common problems out there in the world. Homosexuality started back in the late nineteenth century in Europe. Also there is four different types of homosexual relationship in all major culture areas (Greenberg1988:25-26). The four types are transgenerational homosexuality, transgenderal homosexuality, egalitarian homosexualRead MoreReligion780 Words   |  4 PagesCHRISTIAN ETHICS THE 060 REV. KENNEDY OKOTH PATRICIA WACHIRA 15S03ADCRI002 ------------------------------------------------- I am writing this with a neutral stand point on homosexuality. I am not for homosexuality and neither am I against it. INTRODUCTION Homosexuality is sexual attraction, romantic attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. The most common terms for homosexual people are lesbian for females and gay for males, though gay is sometimesRead MoreBiblical View On Homosexuality And Religion1271 Words   |  6 PagesBiblical view on Homosexuality In the bible God divinely established the institution of marriage, and this is seen in the garden of Eden during creation. Marriage was a special gift to man from a loving God before the fall that led to evil and pervasion entering the spiritual world of man. Marriage was designed by our creator to give satisfaction to a person’s deepest longings for intimacy, love, appreciation and care. The views of marriage between Christians and Jews are fundamentally differentRead MoreHomosexuality And The Western Christian1336 Words   |  6 PagesA highly debated topic of today is whether or not homosexuality is acceptable according to the Bible. There are many different arguments in support of homosexuality, however one must carefully consider what the Bible says in order to judge the validity of these arguments. God clearly condemns homosexuality in His Word. First, we can see God’s condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament. Genesis 19:4-11 tells the story of when angels of the Lord visited Sodom to warn Lot of the coming judgmentRead MoreThe Argument About Homosexuality Is Not Really An Argument Or A Controversy?850 Words   |  4 Pages The argument about homosexuality is not really an argument or a controversy anymore to some. Seeing that it already has been legalized there is nothing really that we can do to change that for the most part. But there is something that we can do to let people know what is right and what is wrong. Even though gay marriage may be legal now, it is a choice whether or not to partake in it. The issue now is that people are not born â€Å"that way†. No one is born gay, we are all naturally born straight andRead MoreA Biblical Look At Marriage Essay1323 Words   |  6 Pagesreasons why they should be.† Scripture is replete with verses that teach otherwise. As a matter of fact, t he Bible calls it an abomination in Leviticus 18.22. While we are not under the old covenant, the principle remains and is reinstituted in the New Testament—many scriptures echo these same sentiments. Next, the writer asserts that â€Å"Jesus never mentions homosexuality, but he roundly condemns divorce†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Again, this is not true. Jesus condemns it by implication in Matthew 10.15 when he says, â€Å"VerilyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Prayer For Bobby 925 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexuality back in the 1980s was looked as deviant to the majority of society and still today there are some individuals who believe it is a perversion and an abomination. The movie, Prayer for Bobby, recaps on how the power of ones society s beliefs had an influence on families, especially how it influenced Bobby Griffith s family. I will discuss the three most important topics in the movie, describe how society has contributed to those issues, and discuss what can be done to alleviate orRead MoreSexual Morality And The Catholic Church1180 Words   |  5 Pagesmany Catholics, homosexuality is viewed as an abomination. Many tend to use various bible verses as a means to condemn homosexu ality. For instance, within the Old Testament of the holy bible in Leviticus 20:13 it states, â€Å"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.† Thus being, since the sacred scripture Catholics follow does not promote homosexuality, under any circumstancesRead MoreDue To Slavery, Segregation, And The Countless Acts Of1803 Words   |  8 Pagesand values followed inside a typical Black household. However, one essential factor to understanding human life is acknowledging sexuality, whether it pertains to heterosexuality, homosexuality or transsexuality. Unfortunately, other forms of sexuality remain silenced in the Black community, as it is believed homosexuality is a â€Å"white man’s disease†. Silence, judgement, and denial fail to acknowledge the sexual diversity within the Black community. Moreover, this lack of sexual freedom has furtherRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Across The Whole World1507 Words   |  7 Pageslegalization. â€Å"Religious denominations play a strong role in structuring attitudes about the morality of homosexuality, and support for specific policies of toleration and nondiscrimination† (Sherkat, Mattias de Vries and Creek 81). Religion continues to be a major factor towards the society’s views in same-sex marriage. It also determines how the scriptures in the bible regarding homosexuality are interpreted. â€Å"Fully 85% of those who are religiously unaffiliated favor same-sex marriage, as do 62%

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Broadcasting, Programming, and The Audience Essay Example For Students

Broadcasting, Programming, and The Audience Essay Broadcasting, Programming, and The AudienceSteiners ModelSteiners model on programming preferences and broadcasting choicestries to show how stations come to the conclusion of what programming to show. This model goes on the assumption that broadcasters will go after the largestaudience possible. Going on the information given about this hypothetical situation, we canpredict what each of the four stations in this market will show. There are three distinct audience preferences. The first groups of 1200viewers has a first programming preference of sitcoms and a second choice ofsoaps. The second group numbers 900 viewers and would pick cops first and soapssecond. The third group, 500 viewers, likes soaps first and sitcoms and theirsecond choice. This model says that the audience will watch their first choice firstand then the second choice, but only is their first choice is not available. Lets say that the Federal Communications Commission licenses station Ain their market. Looking at the viewer preferences, station A would start tobroadcast soaps. By show soaps, it would capture a market of 2600 viewers. Allviewers would watch because soaps is their first choice or it is their secondchoice but their first is not available. The FCC then offers a license to station B. After examining the audiencesizes, stations B also starts to show soaps. By programming to this audience, itsplits the soaps market with station A and both of them have 1300 viewers. Station B does not pick another programming because no other choice canoffer more than 1300 viewers. When the FCC offers a license to station C, things will definitelychange in this market. Station C sees the biggest audience available is thesitcom market with 1200 viewers. But when station C takes that 1200 viewers from the soap audience whichhold sitcoms as their first choice, station A and B will both drop to 700viewers. They now have to make a decision. Both can find larger marketselsewhere. One station, and it does not matter which one, will switch to cop shows. For this hypothetical, station B would choose cops for 900 viewers. Station A, who still is showing soaps, now only has 500 viewers. It doesnot like that, so it starts to show sitcoms. Audience 3, with 500 viewers, nowis watching sitcoms because there are no soaps out there. Station A and C areboth showing sitcoms and are splitting a viewer audience of 1700 for 850 each. Now that the viewers are confused about what station is showing what,the FCC offers a fourth license to station D. After examination, station Ddecides to start broadcasting sitcoms in competition with stations A and C. Allthree stations have an audience share of 566. That is more than the 500 soapviewers or splitting the 900 cops viewers with station B. Although Steiners model is not too far off what happens in todaystelevision landscape, it does have a couple of drawbacks that keeps it frombeing a true model. Steiner does not take into consideration that some audiences are morevaluable to advertisers than others. Because advertisers want certain viewers,stations might program to that audience to attract more advertising dollars. Steiner also assumes that as stations go into competition with anotherstation, they will split the audience equally. That is not always the case. Viewers will watch the station they believe has the better quality, even ifthere are two or three stations showing the same thing. This model does offer some insights on how stations and networks makedecisions. Just look at the TV Guide and see how many sitcoms there are on anygiven night. .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .postImageUrl , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:hover , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:visited , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:active { border:0!important; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:active , .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5202c471e1b60e1ccd3697639e693e1d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dissenting opinions should be abolished UK EssayThis also shows why some minority viewers never get programming directedat them. The stations are going to the majority audiences which have largernumbers. The minority viewer preferences, under these model, have to haveanother station before they get to see their shows, in this situation. First Copy CostsFirst copy costs in the newspaper industry are the fixed costs of owninga paper and printing the first one. First copy costs include the money spend on items that are necessary forthe newspaper to be printed. These fixed costs do not vary as the number ofpapers increases or decreases. Because they do not vary, they are very importantand must be covered by advertising and subscriptions. These fixed costs include the physical plant,

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The American Colonists Rebelled Because They Had Been Denied Their Rig

The American colonists rebelled because they had been denied their rights Many events helped cause the American Revolution. It was a terrible war between the colonies of America and the country of England. The three most important events that led up to, and caused it, were the Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, and The Stamp Act. The Boston Massacre was an encounter on March 5, 1770, that was five years before the American Revolution between British troops and a group of citizens of Boston that were then in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. British troops were quartered in the city to discourage demonstrations of American revolutionists who were protesting the Townshend Acts, a tax on imports to the colonies. As a result of constant harassment by the citizens, a squad of British soldiers that had been struck by snow and ice balls with rocks inside thrown during a demonstration, fired into the crowd, killing five men. The eight soldiers and their commanding officer were tried for murder and were defended by John Adams, later president of the United States, and Josiah Quincy. Two of the soldiers were declared guilty of manslaughter, and the others, including the officer, were acquitted. The incident was skillfully exploited by the American patriot Samuel Adams to create anti-British sentiment in the colonies. After the incident the patriots of Massachusetts Bay were more and more agitated by the soldiers. They weren't going to take much more. The Boston Tea Party was an event that took place on December 16, 1773, by a group of Boston citizens to protest the British tax on tea imported to the colonies. Although most provisions of the Townshend Acts were repealed by Parliament, the duty on tea was retained to demonstrate the power of Parliament to tax the colonies. The citizens of Boston would not permit the unloading of three British ships that arrived in Boston in November 1773 with 342 chests of tea. The royal governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson, however, would not allow the tea ships to return to England until the duty had been paid. On the evening of December 16, a group of Bostonians, instigated by the American patriot Samuel Adams and disguised as Indians, boarded the vessels and emptied the tea into Boston Harbor. When the government of Boston refused to pay for the tea, the British closed the port. The acts by the British with the tea provoked Bostonians. Because of this they were pushed too far. After wha t happened with the Boston Massacre, the Patriots wanted something that could push them over the edge to start the Revolution and with the taxes this moved them a few steps closer. This should have taught the British a lesson, but it didn't. The Stamp Act was an act introduced by the British Prime Minister George Grenville and passed by the British Parliament in 1765 as means of raising revenue in the American colonies. It required all legal documents, licenses, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards to carry a tax stamp. The act extended to the colonies the system of stamp duties then employed in Great Britain and was intended to raise money to lower the cost of maintaining the military defenses of the colonies. Passed without debate, it aroused widespread opposition among the colonists, who argued that because they were not represented in Parliament, they could not legally be taxed without their consent. The Stamp Act was the one that pushed the colonies over the edge. Although The Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and Stamp Act were only three events that helped cause The American Revolution, they were major. Without them there might not have been a Revolution. Let's hope nothing like The American Revolution ever happens again, and no country puts stupid taxes on any other country.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tlaloc the Aztec God of Rain and Fertility

Tlaloc the Aztec God of Rain and Fertility Tlaloc (Tl-lock) was the Aztec rain god and one of the most ancient and widespread deities of all Mesoamerica. Tlaloc was thought to live on the top of the mountains, especially the ones always covered by clouds; and from there he sent down revivifying rains to the people below. Rain gods are found in most Mesoamerican cultures, and the origins of Tlaloc can be traced back to Teotihuacan and the Olmec. The rain god was called Chaac by the ancient Maya, and Cocijo by the Zapotec of Oaxaca. Tlalocs Characteristics The rain god was among the most important of the Aztec deities, governing the spheres of water, fertility, and agriculture. Tlaloc oversaw crop growth, especially maize, and the regular cycle of the seasons. He ruled over the 13-day sequence in the 260-day ritual calendar beginning with the day Ce Quiauitl (One Rain). Tlalocs female consort was Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Her Skirt) who presided over freshwater lakes and streams. Archaeologists and historians suggest that the emphasis on this well-known god was a way for the Aztec rulers to legitimize their rule over the region. For this reason, they built a shrine to Tlaloc on the top of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan, just next to the one dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec patron deity. A Shrine in Tenochtitlan Tlalocs shrine at the Templo Mayor represented agriculture and water; while Huitzilopochtlis shrine represented warfare, military conquest, and tribute... These are the two most important shrines within their capital city. The shrine of Tlaloc featured pillars inscribed with symbols of Tlalocs eyes and painted with a series of blue bands. The priest who was tasked with tending to the shrine was the Quetzalcoatl Tlaloc tlamacazqui, one of the most highly ranked priests in the Aztec religion. Many offerings have been found associated with this shrine, containing sacrifices of water animals and artifacts such as jade objects, which were related to water, sea, fertility, and the underworld. A Place in the Aztec Heaven Tlaloc was assisted by a group of supernatural beings called Tlaloques who supplied the earth with rain. In Aztec mythology, Tlaloc was also the governor of the Third Sun, or world, which was dominated by water. After a great flood, the Third Sun ended, and people were replaced by animals such as dogs, butterflies, and turkeys. In the Aztec religion, Tlaloc governed the fourth heaven or sky, called Tlalocan, the Place of Tlaloc. This place is described in Aztec sources as a paradise of lush vegetation and perennial spring, ruled by the god and the Tlaloques. The Tlalocan was also the afterlife destination for those who had died violently of water-related causes as well as for new-born children and women who died in childbirth. Ceremonies and Rituals The most important ceremonies dedicated to Tlaloc were called Tozoztontli and they took place at the end of the dry season, in March and April. Their purpose was to assure abundant rain during the growing season. One of the most common rites carried out during such ceremonies were sacrifices of children, whose crying was considered beneficial for obtaining rain. The tears of new-born children, being strictly connected with the Tlalocan, were pure and precious. One offering found at the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan included the remains of approximately 45 children sacrificed in honor of Tlaloc. These children ranged in age between two and seven years of age and were mostly but not entirely males. This was an unusual ritual deposit, and Mexican archaeologist Leonardo LÃ ³pez Lujn has suggested that the sacrifice was specifically to appease Tlaloc during the great drought that occurred during the mid-15th century C.E. Mountain Shrines Apart from the ceremonies carried out at the Aztec Templo Mayor, offerings to Tlaloc have been found in several caves and on mountain peaks. The most sacred shrine of Tlaloc was located on the top of Mount Tlaloc, an extinct volcano located east of Mexico City. Archaeologists investigating on the top of the mountain have identified the architectural remains of an Aztec temple which seem to have been aligned with the Tlaloc shrine at the Templo Mayor. This shrine is enclosed in a precinct where pilgrimages and offerings were carried out once a year by each Aztec king and his priests. Tlaloc Images The image of Tlaloc is one of the most often represented and easily recognizable in Aztec mythology, and similar to rain gods in other Mesoamerican cultures. He has large goggled eyes whose contours are made of two serpents which meet at the center of his face to form his nose. He also has large fangs hanging from his mouth and a protuberant upper lip. He is often surrounded by raindrops and by his assistants, the Tlaloques. He often holds a long scepter in his hand with a sharp tip which represents lightning and thunder. His representations are frequently found in the Aztec books known as codices, as well as in murals, sculptures, and copal incense burners. Sources Berdan FF. 2014. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press.Millar M and Taube KA. 1993. The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion. London: Thames and HudsonSmith ME. 2013. The Aztecs. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.Van Tuerenhout DR. 2005. The Aztecs. New Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Inc.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Jeannette Kams1 Narrative Essay

Jeannette Kams1 Narrative Essay Jeannette Kams1 Narrative Essay Jeannette Kamsi 2/21/15 English 1301 Narrative Essay: my topic is on bullying Bullying is the use of force or threat use to abuse, intimidate and dominate over others. Although bullying can be dispute-related or predatory, bullying has a range from physical, mental, verbal, and emotional to technological on the internet. Bullying affects our children daily life: academically, morally and physically. In our daily life, bullying most likely occurs in schools, social places and on the streets where teenagers go out of their way to harm others by ganging up on a single person and it is crazy how teenagers nowadays look at bullying as a fun thing to do to past time and if they can’t do it in person, they would do it over the internet through social media such as Facebook, twitter, instagram†¦etc. Most of the bullying is now done online by others because online one has the freedom of saying anything to others, which is the reason I do not allow my child to be on the internet for a long time. I give hi m a time limit to be on the web. According to; the statistics of bullying nationwide; about 28% of students from 6-12 in the U.S alone have experienced bullying on a daily basis at school, while 30% of students in schools have admitted to bullying others. Also 71% of students have seen bullying occur in front of them and decided to ostracized their classmates while 70.4% of school staff have seen bullying occur and never intervene, which proves that our children are not safe in an institutionalized place. In spite of the statistics, bullying occurs mostly to boys than girls, I say that because my son was bullied by other students when he started schooling in middle school. He was bullied and never told me until he decided to take matter in his own hands by defending himself and the school called me about it. Bullying affects the victim morally by decreasing one’s self-esteem and his quality of life in school. For example: I remember when my son told me that w hen he was bullied, he always found himself in constant tension, fear and anxiety. By leaving with those feelings every time one goes to school, one becomes pessimistic and stressed which may lead to change on one’s view on the quality of life and a decline in one’s health. I remember my son not wanting to eat sometimes. Bullying can affect academically by hampering one’s education due to fear which creates a lack of concentration, missing classes and sometimes school days. It can affect one isolate himself from others and become ostracized by his fellow peers and bullying can increase aggression in the bulled. Like I mentioned earlier, about my son handling his case of bullying, he handled his

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Worlds development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

New Worlds development - Essay Example This is more significant as they all hoped to find the wealth as they responded with a mixture of diplomacy and violence to the native people. In addition, they all had an intention to introduce Protestantism among the Americans as they built churches in their colonial areas. The goals of the Spanish, French, and English differed as they had different reasons for colonizing of America. France focus was on the economic trade in America would have on their nation while the English focused on the deep desire to explore the new world in America and expand its nation’s territory (Cheyney, 2004). The Spanish, on the contrary, concentrated on inhabiting the land, besides achieving economic superiority over other European nations. The Spanish colonies were different from the English and French colonies as it developed large and expensive colonial bureaucracies. These bureaucracies eventually led to individual proprietors that in turn played a large role in development of English and French colonies. On the contrary, English and French colonies played a more significant as they brought change that led to a greater regional variety in economic, social, cultural, and political institutions structure, especially in regions of English colonies (Bulliet & Kyle, 2010). It is therefore, significant that the Spanish, English, and French colonies brought a lot of change during their colonization of America that describes the new world developments. Bulliet, R. & Kyle, P. (2010). Crossley the Earth and its peoples a global history. New York: Cengage Learning. Cheyney, E. (2004). European Background of American History. New York: Kessinger

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reality, Poverty and the American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reality, Poverty and the American Dream - Essay Example The first of these readings which will be engaged with is that of Barbara Ehrenreich’s â€Å"Serving in Florida†. This piece is especially useful to understand due to the fact that it racks the actions, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, frustration, hopelessness, and misery that necessarily follows many that seek to carve a life for themselves with few opportunities or little education. Although it is simple to merely utter that the American Dream is available to each and every citizen that seeks to expend the hard work necessary to realize it, Barbara Ehrenreich proves that the reality of the situation can oftentimes be far different than the ingrained cultural norm. As such, Ehrenreich first notes that the work is demanding, degrading, physically exhausting, and completely incapable of covering all of the bills that she incurs as a function of her long commute. Regardless of the fact that she rents practically the cheapest efficiency apartment money can find, she s truggles to put food on the table and pay the high cost of commuting 30 miles each day. As a function of this very real and present reality, the author determines that she must necessarily take a second job in order to meet the extant needs that her financial situation engenders. This choice requires even more commitment, hard work, longer hours, and fewer and fewer hours of sleep and leisure (Ehrenreich 17). Ultimately, such a choice is not surprisingly exhibited on the health and outlook that Barbara experiences.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

New guideline explores professionalism in nursing Essay Example for Free

New guideline explores professionalism in nursing Essay Professionalism in nursing is an essential ingredient in achieving a healthy work environment and is enabled by the context of practice ( Registered Nurse Association of Ontario 2007) In nursing profession recognition by the global and society as the professional group is important due to the higher standard of expectation from the society to the nursing career as a caregiver And being a professional in a nursing career is a key to achieve the target and good quality in services provided to society. Why the professionalism is required to the nursing career this is due to demanding of high quality and standard skill ,knowledge and altruism that putting the patient as the first interest, self sacrifice and the right attitude while dealing with the society or patient as a caregiver., showing and proven of the excellence commitment in lifelong learning to improved their skill and development as during in duty nurses should showing their commitment beyond others and should committed to the community service and the professional organization. The public has the right to get the professional competence from the nurses who are giving the service to them. from the American Nurses Association 2017 (ANA) believe that it is the nursing profession responsibilities to shape and guided any process for assuring nurses competency. Through the quality measurement, research and learning to become professional nurses need to be skillful in their job scope knowledgeable continue to have continued learning education, providing mentoring to guide and monitoring the work done and following by the code and conduct as a key for safeguarding the health and wellbeing to the public.There are few elements of professionalism listed for the nurses as the nursing career is expected growing faster than the average rate of 19 through 2022 according to Bereu Labor Of Statistic.There are 5 critical professional skills to be adapted (Kristina Ericson 2015)the strong and effective communication between physician and nurses is compulsory to convey the right information to relatives regarding patient condition ,medication and others medical concern.paying intention on report and details of patient which is if mislead will became fatal to the patient, an also being flexible to working schedule also part of professional integrity in nu rsing profession as patient to comes first ,another element is critical thinking ,nurses are able to make crucial decision during the critical time by analyzing and determined the best solution for patient. Nurses are required to update the skill and have the desire to improve knowledge and develop skills continues will bring them to the professionalism in a nursing career.the one and important to develop professionalism in the nursing career is mentoring system Mentoring is a crucial part of the nursing organization as there are many nurses need help and guidance from the skillful and knowledgeable staff. This can contribute to career satisfaction and improvement .majority has reported that nurses are participating in mentorship relation.( Bette Marianni 2012) mentoring is something that both mentor and mentee are willing to share knowledge,emotion and feedback after the carried out duties done,this will give impact in professional management and skills among nurses.Studies done by Bette Mariani 2012 stated that nurses who have the willingness and sense of satisfaction in career will contribute to the growth of the profession. Mentor is define as the person who give a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time. ( Cambridge Advance Learner dictionary and Thesaurus).while Riverside Websters ii New Collage Dictionary1995 define mentor as a wise and trusted teacher or counselor. The mentees describe by Merriam Webster is the one who is being monitored by mentor.Mentoring will give benefit to nurses in term and career success and advancement in personal and pr ofessional satisfaction and develop self-esteem and confidence. (Van Olsen 2002) The professional and personal satisfaction develop while in sharing stories, referencing of the problem and finding the solution by the experienced nurses to the mentees will be become a role modeling to the nursing profession and enhance the quality in leadership ( Vance And Olsen 2002). I believed mentoring one of the best way of achievement in nursing professional skills . . Y, did(x(I_TS1EZBmU/xYy5g/GMGeD3Vqq8K)fw9 xrxwrTZaGy8IjbRcXI u3KGnD1NIBs RuKV.ELM2fiVvlu8zH (W )6-rCSj id DAIqbJx6kASht(QpmcaSlXP1Mh9MVdDAaVBfJP8AVf 6Q

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Enduring Legacy of Malcolm X Essay -- The Life of Malcolm X

If there was any one man who demonstrated the anger, the struggle, and the beliefs of African Americans in the 1960s, that man was Malcolm X. The African American cultural movement of the 1920s lost momentum in the 1930s because of worldwide economic depression. The Great Depression helped to divert attention from cultural to economic matters. Even before the stock market crash of 1929, unemployment and poverty among blacks was exceptionally high. It was under these difficult conditions that Malcolm X experienced his youth in the South. Malcolm X was a very controversial character in his time. He grew up in a very large family. His father hunted rabbits to sell to the white people for money, and his mother stayed home to take care of all the children. Several times when he was young, his family was forced to relocate due to the racist groups that would burn or run them out of their home like the Ku Klux Klan. One of these groups called the Black Legion killed his father by tying him to the railroad tracks. Malcolm’s father had life insurance but was not given to his family because they said that Earl Little had committed suicide. This was quite impossible because his head was bashed in and he tied himself to the railroad. Without his father’s income, Malcolm's family was forced to get government help and food. Applying for this type of assistance brought many white Social Workers into their home. They asked questions and interrogated the entire family. Malcolm’s mother always refused to talk or let them in. This did not stop them and they came in anyway. Malcolm, without family discipline and restrictions, often could be found wandering the streets of Roxbury. Without parental or adult guidance of any kind and due to the poor conditions in his home, Malcolm began to steal food. Finally, he was caught. The police did not make a big deal about it, because it was his first offense. The Social Workers however, began investigating his family even more intensely. They used this incident against the family. They reported that Malcolm’s mother could not take proper care of her children and recommended that they be split up and placed in different foster homes. Malcolm did not realize he was getting government help. He also did not realize that the nice Social Workers who would sometimes slip him treats were really out to put him in a foster home. As a boy Ma... ...g’s preaching to further their shared cause. Without this very important person in our history, things may be very different. He helped the blacks find the path to long sought freedom, and helped the whites see their awful mistakes in the way in which they had conducted their society. Works Cited Breitman, George. By Any Means Necessary: Speeches and Interviews. New York: Pathfinder, 1970. Curtis, Richard. The Life of Malcolm X. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Company, 1971 Goldman, Peter. The Death and Life of Malcolm X. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1979. Haley, Alex. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Ballantine, 1964. Myers, Walter Dean. Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary. New York: Polaris, 1993 Shirley, David. Malcolm X: Minister of Justice. Langhorne: Chelsea House Publishers, 1994 "Malcolm X." Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia. Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1996. The Official Website of Malcolm X. Web. 11 April 2015 Malcolm. 1999-2004. "Biography." Malcolm X Official Website. Web. 11 April 2015

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Issues in Multicultural Education Essay

Research has shown that teachers of diverse backgrounds can have a positive effect on the success of students of color. In Washington, the number of teachers of color is just seven percent compared to the twenty-four percent of students. In Seattle, over fifty percent of students are of color and only ten percent of Seattle teachers represent the diversity in their classroom. (Martinez-Foundation, 2011). Our children deserve to feel comfortable, motivated, respected, and understood in their schools and especially in their classrooms. If a teacher does not have the tools, resources, or education on how to use differentiated instruction in her class, and how to best understand the different cultures, some kids may fall behind in their ability to achieve academically. Our future depends on the children of today and the educations that they receive. Cultural competence is: †¢ Knowing the community where the school is located. †¢ Understanding all people have a unique world view. †¢ Using curriculum that is respectful of and relevant to the cultures represented in its student body. †¢ Being alert to the ways that culture affects who we are. †¢ Placing the locus of responsibility on the professional and the institution. †¢ Examining systems, structures, policies and practices for their impact on all students and families. †Cultural competence will allow teachers to successfully teach students who come from different cultural backgrounds.† (OSPI, 2011) There is now a way to enable the success of cultural competence among teachers in our city. Over 100 different languages are spoken in Seattle Public Schools, and 24 percent of the district’s 46,000 students are bilingual speakers. To meet the increasing need for bilingual teachers in both general and special education classes, Seattle Public Schools has partnered with the state’s Professional Educator Standards Board, the Seattle Education Association and City University to provide a dual certification program for the district’s paraprofessionals. Cultural competence provides a set of skills that professionals need in order to improve practice to serve all students and communicate effectively with their families. (OSPI, 2011). Cultural competence training would give teachers the opportunity to confront their stereotypes and biases that they hold that directly affect the way teachers see, and teach their students. Biases and stereotypes within a teacher’s classroom can negatively affect the achievements of his/her students. One of the ways this program will be funded is through the SEA membership. The SEA membership believes in closing the academic achievement gap and that having classroom teachers that reflect our student population will help in accomplishing that goal,† comments Wendy Kimball, President of SEA. â€Å"Support for paraprofessionals and secretaries/office personnel is critical given the difficulty of going back to school to earn a teaching certificate and working full time.† Kimball continues, â€Å"SEA is committed to supporting staff with the resources of time and money so they can earn a certificate. The funding for this program came from reallocating money during the 2004-2009 contract bargaining from the sabbatical funds and a settlement agreement.† ( Kimball, 2011).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Unit Two Study Guide Fall

Demonstrate an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the whitetail arts through using oral, written, or visual means to communicate an informed personal reaction to works of theatre. (Communication Skills) 4. Show social responsibility through intercultural study and discovery of regional, national and/or global artistic traditions In theatre. (Social Responsibility) The Actor 1. What does Thespian mean? Thespian means Actor. 2. Describe the acting profession as stated in your book? Most bewildering profession. Can be extraordinarily rewarding but also most tough and demanding.Takes incredible sacrifices from every area of life: Financial, virtual, mental, and physical. 3. Define representation training/acting. Acting emanates from somewhere INSIDE the actor. Studies the role closely, uses imagination, lives the life of the character. 4. Define presentational training/acting. Actor presents something to the audience. 5. What Is The Method? 7 Elements: Cadenza , Public solitude, Subtext of meaning, Artistic communion, Emotional memory, Physical actions, Hard work 6. What school was founded by Elli Kane and who was this school's most influential teacher?Actor†s Studio: Lee Strangers 7. What two features are required to make a good actor? Acting from the Inside and Acting from the Outside. Actor's instrument, Actor's method of approaching a role 8. What are the three parts to the actor's instrument/self? Body, Voice, Imagination 9. Inhalation, practically understood as an element of voice, is sometimes seen to be mystically equivalent to what? Inspiration 10. What are the elements of voice? Breathing, Phonated, Resonance 11. What are the elements of speech? Articulation, Pronunciation, Phrasing 12.What is projection? 13. What is resonance? The sympathetic vibration, â€Å"Resounding† of the voice, as it is heard in the throat, the chest, and the head 14. What is the major psychological component of the actor's instrument? Imagi nation 15. What is cadenza? The Character's Problem 16. What are the three stages of the actor's routine? Audition, Rehearsal, and Performance 17. What is an audition? Primary process in which acting roles are awarded. Actor has opportunity to demonstrate to the director how well he or she can fulfill a role. 18. What is blocking?Stage movements 19. What is stage business? Stage actions – scripted or seemingly unconscious physical behaviors 20. What is subtext? The unspoken and underscored character goals hidden beneath the lines. The Playwright 1. What is the most important trait of the playwright? Independence. 2. Why is every person a playwright? Because we dream. 3. What is the core of every play? Action 4. What are the playwright's two tools? Dialogue and Physical Action. 5. Explain the concept of continuous and linear in a play. Means Continuous in Structure and Linear in chronology.Point to point, cause and effect storytelling. Remains basic architecture to most popula r and serious plays. 6. Explain the statement â€Å"Intrigue draws us into the world of the play; credibility keeps us there. † Intrigue demanding surprise, credibility demanding consistency. They generate a kind of believable wonder; Credibility alone will not suffice to make a play interesting, and intrigue alone cannot make a incredible play palatable. 7. What is â€Å"richness† in playwright? Leaves a sense of satisfaction; Richness of detail and richness or dimension 8. Explain â€Å"depth of character. Requires that every character possess an independence of intention, expression, and motivation. 9. What is gravity in a play? The central theme is one of serious and lasting significance in humanists spiritual, oral, or intellectual life. 10. Who is David Mate? Successful Playwright 1 . Name and understand the four major staging formats. Proscenium, Arena, Thrust, Black Box 2. What is another name for the picture frame stage? Proscenium 3. What is a scenery center ed staging format? 4. What are the actor centered rather than scenery centered type staging formats? Thrust, Arena, and Black Box 5.What type of stage dispenses with all scenery except floor treatment, furniture, and out of the way staging or hanging pieces to focus attention on the actors? Arena 6. Describe a black box stage area. Simple space able to adapt to a variety of staging styles. â€Å"Experimental Atmosphere† 7. What is realistic scenery? Attempts to depict, often in great detail, a specific time and place in the real world where the plays events are presumed to take place. 8. What is metaphorical scenery? Favors visual images that seek to evoke the production's intended theme, mood, or social/political implications 9.What is a flat? Portable framed wall sections, usually represent walls and occasionally the ceilings of a real room 10. What is a cyclorama? Hanging fabric stretched between upper/lower pipes and curved to cover back and sides of the stage. Colored wi th lights 11. What is a scrim? Can make things appear and disappear; Loosely woven gauzy fabric, lit from the front, solid, lit from the back, see through 12. What is stage machinery? Give examples. Anything that moves; Fly systems, wagons, elevators, wagons 13. When was electricity introduced into American theatres for lighting? 1879 14.What are the primary considerations of lighting design? Visibility and Focus 15. What were the first theatrical costumes? Ceremonial vestments 6. What was the ancient and original use of costume? Separate Actor from Audience 17. What are the four primary functions of modern costume design? Ceremonial Magic, Social and Cultural values of the world being portrayed, individuality of each character, wearable clothing for the actor 18. What function does makeup serve? Evoke or highlight psychological traits, illustrate character, simplify and embolden actor's features 19. In regards to makeup, what is the face considered?Canvas The Director 1. What are t he tasks of the director? What are the three eras of the director? Teacher, Realism, Anti-Realism 3. What are Andre Antoine and Constantine Statisticians primarily known as and what was their primary focus in the theatre? Naturalists. Sought to make the theatre a powerful social and artistic instrument for the expression of truth 4. Who is generally regarded as the first modern director? Saxes Engineer 5. What are styling directors? Unrestrained by rigid formulas w/ respect to verisimilitude or realistic behavior 6. Who founded the Theatre d'art in Paris in 1890?Paul Fort 7. Who evolved his theatre of biomedical constructivism in Moscow? Absolved Empowered 8. What is the director's primary responsibility? To envision the main lines of the production and to provide the artistic leadership to realize that vision 9. What are the roles of the producer? Finance the production, create and manage the budget, choosing and acquiring the theatre facility, establishing the plays rehearsal and performance dates, handle legal and business aspects, and oversee publicity, casting, ticketing, etc. 10. What is the criterion for play selection?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Management Info System Essay

Management Info System Essay Management Info System Essay MGMT 393 Homework Assignment 1 One thing the text talks about is management information systems (MIS). It describes what MIS is and its purpose. The book basically breaks MIS down and talks about what it’s made of and the important resources within it. It is important for people to understand MIS in order to process and manage all information dealing with any technology tools in their organization. Another thing the book talks about is using customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Using customer relationship management systems helps organizations understand what a customer may need or want. The basic reason for this system is to help people organizations to build a lasting relationship with their customer in order to give them what they want. The book also talks about relational data base. It tells what the relational data base does and how it stores information. The software’s components of a data base management system are also discussed in the book. It basically describes each component of the database management system and how they work. There is the data warehouse and its characteristics. In the data warehouse there are four types of mining tolls. The types of tolls are described in the book. The mining tools are broken down and explained to show what each tool does. Another key part of the book is the decision support system (DSS) and the geographic system. The decision support system helps make decisions while the geographic system analyzes information. There is expert system which is also known as knowledge based systems. This system helps you come to a conclusion on decisions that have to be made. Then there is talk of the agent based technologies. The agent based technologies is a type of technology that helps do daily tasks. These agent based technologies include information agents, monitoring and surveillance agents, user agents, and data mining agents. Each agent based technology is described and the functions are explained. Another important topic in the book is e-commerce business models. The nine major e-commerce business models are broken down and described in the book. Basically theses e-commerce business models describes how each models sells it products and services. This would include selling it product and services to businesses, consumers, individuals, or even government entities. The outsourcing environment is a factor that is described. Outsourcing is the delegations of a

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Handle Dry Ice Safely

How to Handle Dry Ice Safely The solid form of carbon dioxide is called dry ice. Dry ice is the perfect ingredient for fog, smoking volcanoes, and other spooky effects! However, you need to know how to transport, store, and use dry ice safely before you get it. Here are tips to help keep you safe. How To Get and Transport Dry Ice You can obtain dry ice from some grocery stores or gas companies. Its important to be prepared to transport dry ice before you purchase it. This will help it last longer and prevent accidents. Plan to get enough dry ice. It will sublimate at the rate of  five to ten pounds each 24 hours (for pellets or chips), so if you wont be using the dry ice right away, plan for the loss of product. The rate of sublimation also depends on the exposed surface area. Dry ice pellets will convert to gas more quickly than a solid chunk of dry ice.  Bring a cooler or a cardboard box. Your goal is to insulate the dry ice from warmer temperatures. Its also helpful to have a blanket or sleeping bag to wrap around the container to protect it from temperature changes.Usually dry ice is sold in paper bags. Set the paper bag inside the box or cooler. Close the lid to insulate the dry ice, but make sure it does not seal. This is important, because dry ice sublimates from its solid form into carbon dioxide vapor. The gas builds up pressure and could cause an explosion if it doesnt have a way to escape.As sublimation occurs, the level of carbon dioxide in the vehicle will rise. Make sure new air c irculates into the vehicle to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning. Storing Dry Ice The best way to store dry ice is in a cooler. Again, make sure the cooler is not sealed. You can add insulation by double-bagging the dry ice in paper bags and wrapping the cooler in a blanket. Its best to avoid putting dry ice in a refrigerator or freezer because the cold temperature can cause your thermostat to switch the appliance off, carbon dioxide levels could build up inside the compartment, and gas pressure could force open the door of the appliance. Using Dry Ice Safely The 2 rules here are (1) dont store dry ice in a sealed container and (2) avoid direct skin contact. Dry ice is extremely cold (-109.3 °F or -78.5 °C), so touching it can cause immediate frostbite. Use gloves or tongs to handle dry ice.Be aware cold carbon dioxide sinks, so risks from too much carbon dioxide are highest close to the ground or in any enclosed space. Make sure there is good air circulation.If youre using dry ice in drinks to produce fog, be careful you dont ingest the dry ice fragment. Ingesting dry ice is a medical emergency because of the tissue damage from frost bite and the pressure buildup from the release of gas. Dry ice sinks in a glass or bowl, so the risk of ingestion normally is very low. However, do not allow intoxicated people to drink dry ice cocktails or work with dry ice. How To Treat a Dry Ice Burn Treat a dry ice burn the same way as you would treat frostbite or a burn from heat. A red area will heal quickly (day or two). You can apply burn ointment and a bandage, but only if the area needs to be covered (e.g., open blisters). In cases of severe frostbite, seek medical attention (this is extremely uncommon). More Dry Ice Safety Tips Never leave children or pets unattended around dry ice.Be aware of symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning and make sure there is good air circulation where dry ice is used and stored. Ordinarily, slightly elevated levels of carbon dioxide dont pose a significant health risk. The levels of carbon dioxide are most likely to become too high near the ground.If youre using dry ice to chill food, youll get the best results if you put the dry ice on top of the food. This is because cold sinks.Avoid setting dry ice directly onto counter tops or placing it in empty glass containers. The temperature shock could crack the material.Some airlines will allow you to carry dry ice, but not more than 2 kilograms. Expect the dry ice to sublimate at a slightly faster rate than usual because cabin pressure may be lower than normal pressure. Pack the dry ice with crumpled paper or a blanket to reduce loss.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Internet Fraud and Identity Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet Fraud and Identity Theft - Essay Example The internet has initiated a fourth sales channel for companies to reach home consumers or their business customers [6]. Rosen stated that E-business includes products, procedures and internet services [7]. The term phishing is well defined by Jim Edwards as Phishing describes a combination of techniques used by cyber crooks to bait people into giving up sensitive personal data such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth and more [9]. E-commerce basically is about B2B and B2C online sales, online ads, online brokerage and number of related online transactions. As per Jim Warholic, with all the inroads and growth in e-commerce in recent years, security concerns still top the list for both B2B business customers and B2C consumers [11]. Payment modes involved in e-commerce are either Traditional Payment Method or Electronic Payment Method. Adam stated Credit cards mode of payment is very common these days and this study will revolve around credit card only [12]. The Internet is rising even more dramatically - it's actually much safer to enter your credit card number on a secure online order form than it is to give your credit card to a waiter at a restaurant [14]. Facilitated by the internet, identity theft can manifest itself in a number of ways including phishing, pharming, and other fraudulent schemes [15]. If one faces fraud, firstly, he should contact the company for your money back. He should have a record of every phone conversation with time; date etc. let them know them that you may notify the authorities. Then report the Securities Division and also the State Attorney General in the state they are located. Fill the formal request form. One should not send the originals of any documents back to the company [16].  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 85

Assignment Example In order to accrue over my career, must the ability to influence others positively rather than power. The ability to contribute positively and nurture other rests on the ability to motivate and grow young journalist towards respected professionals, this is the greatest power that one can attain in the profession and career growth. In order to attain significant organizational, there should be absolute power given to the change agents. There are reasons for this; firstly organizational change is achieved through use of resources, authority and responsibility. The change agents also need to be entrusted with the responsibility to manipulate organizational resources, including human resource so that they are geared towards the desired change. Without the power to use resources, responsibility and authority bestowed on the change agents, there will be no significant organizational change. Power is the most critical recipe in achieving organizational change; power allows you to access necessary resources either financial or human resources necessary for the change process. Moreover, through power one can influence critical decisions needed in order to achieve change in the organizational structures. As a student, there have been a number of skills, attributes and abilities that have developed along the way that remain critical in my personal development. Firstly, self-confidence has been an important recipe in the decisions that have propelled me to this far. The virtue has enabled me to build a strong personality that has defined my unwavering conviction within and outside career. Secondly, honest is an important trait that has enabled me to grow and establish trust within my peers and others. As an important life trait, being honest enables you to win the trust of friends and strangers with ease. It allows you to navigate successful

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Equality Act 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Equality Act 2010 - Essay Example In essence, therefore, the Act stipulates that an employer should not do things that would pose terse consequences on an employee, a job applicant, or previous employee or other persons who have protected characteristics than on individuals who do not possess that characteristic. On the other hand, the employer can demonstrate that the act or treatment is objectively necessary in which case the same qualifies as indirect discrimination as per the Act. In this case, an employer need not treat an employee, a disabled applicant, or a former employee unfavorably due to something associated with their disability where such treatment cannot be objectively justified. This treatment includes making decisions, the application of rules or the manner of doing things. Nevertheless, this only applies in circumstances where the employer knew or ought to have reasonably known that the individual is a disabled person and thereto referred as discrimination arising from disability. Additionally an emp loyer should not treat an applicant, an employee, or a former employee worse because of association with an individual with characteristics considered protected. ... These provisions on perception, association, and victimization apply to anyone, irrespective of whether they possess protected characteristics. The act forbids an employer from harassing an applicant, an employee, or a former employee. In addition, and in ensuring that a disabled individual has equal access, in as far as, it is realistic, to anything that involves doing work as a non-disabled individual; an employer should make reasonable modifications (Barry 2010). In a situation where an employer evaluates a disabled individual’s application for fitness for work, the employer must take into account any reasonable changes necessary to facilitate the job. If, after making reasonable adjustments, the disabled individual is not the best applicant for the work; an employer should not employ the individual work. However, where such an individual would be the best applicant with reasonable changes in place, then an employer must employ the individual. The consideration for reasonab le changes also applies where an employee becomes disabled while employed or where their needs change or even, where they change to another role. Exceptions for discrimination Occasionally there are instances where the law on equality applies in a different way and this implies exceptions to these rules, these exceptions relate to all employers or those, which only apply to particular employers. Additionally the law on equality permits an employer to accord better treatment of disabled people than to non-disabled individuals and to use positive action. Age The Act provides that age is unlike other protected features and where an employer can demonstrate the treatment to be objectively justified,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bradshaws Theory Essay Example for Free

Bradshaws Theory Essay Bradshaw’s theory about the growth of children is very accurate. When a child experiences pain and suffering at a young age they become emotionally damaged. For example my Grandpa caused my uncle a lot of pain and guilt when he was young because my grandpa divorced by grandma and left my uncle to be the man of the house at such a young age. Today my uncle still has not forgiven my grandfather and he has trouble getting close to other people. In order for my uncle to move forward in his life he has to deal with the issue between himself and my grandfather. Erickson’s theory is if you are treated well and grow up in a warm and caring home you will be better off in life. For example ever since I was very little I have always been able to trust both of my parents especially my mom. I always turn to her for advice and tell her everything. As a result of that I try to be a very trustworthy person because I want other people to feel like they also have someone they can count on. Maslow’s hierarchies of human needs are about the differences between the things we need and the things we desire. For example we need things such as food water and air. We also need security and stability, but we desire self-resect, independence, and self-fulfillment. Although we physically couldn’t survive without the things we need we mentally could not live a happy life without the things we desire.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Self-Assessment and Reflection Essay -- Personal Writing Essays Papers

Self-Assessment and Reflection   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped my life. This was a unique experience where I was emotionally comfortable enough to look back at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I was free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often clouded my perception. . I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I accepted each event as part of life, regardless of whether it was a good or bad experience. I understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly, it is how we deal with circumstances that keep us going forward. For the first time, there was clarity and I became aware of two main points one was my life changing/challenging experience and the second was my financial growth. My life has been a journey filled with challenging experience, which consist of some unfixable actions, like leaving home. I grew up in an authoritarian, religious environment where personal expression and freedom did not exist. Since I could remember, there was a constant pressure for me to conform into Indian Christian society. Over the years the burden of not being able to convey my feelings and endless demands grew to hatred and retaliation toward my parents. The day after my high school graduation, without lett...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fundamental Rights of Education

1. Purpose of the Report The purpose of this report is to describe and then provide an evaluation of each stage of the programme in order to give recommendations for follow up activities and further professional development for Master Trainers and teachers. 2. Introduction 2. 1. Three organisations, The British Council (BC), UNICEF and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Tamil Nadu collaborated on an ambitious programme to develop the skills of English language teachers in government primary schools. The project aimed to improve the English language teaching methodology of over 40,000 Class 5 teachers across the state. To this end, 600 Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTEs), 60 District Institution of Education and Training (DIET) Teacher Trainers and 240 standard V teachers were to be trained and they would in turn cascade training to the standard V teachers at district and block levels. 2. 2. Following a needs analysis carried out in November 2008 by two British Council Senior Training Consultants (STCs) a proposal was made to SSA Tamil Nadu. The proposal detailed the results of the needs analysis and took into account discussions made between the three partner organisations regarding the needs of the primary school teachers working across the state. . 3. The British Council was invited by Tamil Nadu SSA to provide the following outputs: †¢ diagnostic assessment of up to 450 teachers with the purpose of determining the level of spoken English amongst teachers in primary schools in Tamil Nadu. †¢ needs assessment for development of training materials, a bench mark in order to measure p rogress and used as a selection tool for entry onto the programme. †¢ design and deliver 2 x 30 hour courses for 900 Master Trainers, which would be cascaded to 40,000 standard V primary English teachers in Tamil Nadu. organise monitoring and evaluation of the Master Trainer programme and subsequent cascade programmes. 2. 4. The cascade training model is generally applied in large scale training programmes where sheer numbers and geographical reach prohibit direct training. In India, where a single state may have as many as 150,000 teachers, it enables large numbers of teachers to be trained. We recognize that the model has limitations, critics have pointed out that as training flows through the layers a certain amount of quality andeducation is must

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dark flat wilderness Essay

In order to find out how Dickens created tension in chapter 1 of Great Expectation, it is necessary to know why he had to keep the tension present through out the chapter in the first place. Like most of his other stories, Great Expectations was published in serials. It was important for Dickens to leave some anticipation in the end of each chapter so that the reader would buy the next edition of the magazine. Born in 1812; Dickens family was constantly in financial trouble. In fact, Dickens’s father spent time in a Debtor’s prison when Charles was twelve years old. During that time, he had to work in a Blacking warehouse. It was a traumatic experience he had truly hated. It was clear that his unhappy childhood affected his writing, many of Dickens’s work dealt with the injustice children experienced. In Victorian Britain, children of the poor were treated badly. Orphans were very common and the streets of London were filled with them. A few got jobs like chimney sweeping, the work was dirty and dangerous. their employers were also constatly abusing and exploiting them. This was if they were lucky. And what happened to the unlucky ones? Well, they lived on the streets and resorted to crime just to keep themselves alive. These children were exposed to all forms of danger. Along with criminals, orphans were in the bottem of society. With no one to care for them, these children very very vulnerable. The fact that Pip had no parents is revealed early on. This captured the especially Victorian reader’s sympathy immediately because they knew what happened to orphans. The readers were particularly worried that a little boy like Pip was all alone in a graveyard. â€Å"a bleak place overgrown with nettles†. Obviously nobody cared for the sad, lonely graveyard, just like the fact that no one cared for Pip. Death surrounds him; Pip’s dead brothers were buried beside their parents. The readers are now starting to guess what’s going to happen. Because Many children died early in Victorian times, it was entirely possible that Pip would be joining his brothers very soon. Surrounded by the â€Å"dark flat wilderness† there was no one to help Pip in this isolated place. Pip was suddenly â€Å"growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry† as â€Å"the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing† The wind may have served as a personification of a creepy voice. Something was definitely wrong. This setting creates tension for the reader because they expect something bad to happen, tension is created through suspense. Although very young, Pip had plenty of experiences with death but he had a limited ability to cope with what had happened. The evidence for this was when he had cried for no apparent reason. The odds were piled against him. Even the weather is bad, with the wind rushing. When Magwitch was first introduced, we were not given a warning. He just â€Å"started up from among the graves† and threatened to cut Pip’s throat. The fact that Magwitch was a convict was made clear by the â€Å"great iron† on his leg. The reader now has a very good reason to be afraid. The tension is growing because we are now scared for Pip. Dickens described events in a broad ways to begin with. The first three paragraphs were descriptions, nothing really happened in these first few paragraphs. Gradually as we learn more about a character and his capabilities, we begin to expect an event, or guess what might happen. In Magwitch’s case, when he said â€Å"keep still, you little devil, or I’ll cut your throat† we now know that Magwitch will scare Pip into obedience. They were in a graveyard, which was a symbol of death. Magwitch’s fearfulness is inflated because he is seen through Pip’s eyes. Because the reader sees all of this through the eyes of a child, the descriptions of Magwitch is exaggerated since Pip had a limited of the world in general. Because a child sees things differently as they have known fewer people, each person they meet is scrutinized according to their short pasts. A child’s world is much smaller. Because Pip was used to doing what he was told, He had agreed to help Magwitch because he was unaware of the dangers. This may mean that Pip could get himself tangled up in a criminal activity and be punished for it even if his intentions were good. The readers will feel that is very unfair, and naturally be worried and then wonder what’s going to happen next. Dickens secured the reader’s interest by playing on their sympathy. The readers can’t feel completely at ease knowing it was entirely possible for Pip to get into at awkward position in any time since children are less cautious. Innocence and trust is a hazard of childhood. Pip was both innocent and trusting. The story was set 20 miles away from the sea in the marsh county, this indicates that Magwitch had escaped from the hulks. The hulks were old ships that were literally falling apart. They were used to relieve the overcrowded prisons. But even that was not enough. Between 1787 and 1868 around 160,000 were transported to Australia, the conditions were so appalling that victims of the crimes appealed for the robbers. It was a time when the rich were very rich while the poor led a life near slavery. In fact many people had to steal just to keep themselves alive. The punishments were harsh poor petty crimes. People were hung for crimes that would only get them a fine today. The fact that Magwitch was cunning enough to escape show us that he was no ordinary criminal. Magwitch had everything to gain and nothing to lose and he would do anything necessary not to be recaptured. Pip was already scared for no reason, Magwitch had the upper hand. Magwitch intimidates Pip over and over again with threats. Now he had not only physically overwhelmed Pip, he had also controlled Pip emotionally. He invented a horrible young man and makes Pip think that he’s helping him. â€Å"I find it wery hard to hold that young man off of your inside† Now Pip also has the young man to be scared of.  Structurally, writers often use simple short sentences when building up to a climax, often with one or two word sentences, although this is not the case here. In the first physical description of Magwitch Dickens divided a sentence into little bits. â€Å"A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  This has a similar effect as to using very short sentences to create tension. The word â€Å"and† was used nine times in this sentence. The reason Dickens didn’t use any other conjunction as it would make the sentence more flowing and therefore losing the intended effect. Tension is also felt in the detail. It’s the small things that would not normally be noticed or commented on that the reader is forced to notice. In the quote above, we are flooded with descriptions of Magwitch. The tension created in the first chapter of Dickens’s Great expectations relies on the reader’s sympathy for Pip and the frightfulness of Magwitch. The chapter’s gloomy setting also obviously creates apprehension. Although there are times when the readers are almost comfortable, Dickens always leaves seeds of anxiety lingering. Overall, Dickens maintains the tension by never letting the readers feel completely sure on what’s happening next.